

ROS publish the camera info in C++ (PerceptIn Camera)

I'm now using PerceptIn camera to make ROS wrapper.

Publish camera image

See the sample code online_feature.cpp to check how to get image from perceptIn camera.

Publish Camera info

Initialization and put value

Use cameraInfo.h.
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo Documentation
First, include and add your value.

Part of an example is below:

sensor_msgs::CameraInfoPtr lcam(new sensor_msgs::CameraInfo());
// put value
lcam->height = 480;
lcam->width = 640;
lcam->distortion_model = "plumb_bob";
lcam->D = { -0.361976, 0.110510, 0.001014, 0.000505, 0.000000};
lcam->K = {438.783367, 0.000000, 305.593336, 0.000000, 437.302876, 243.738352, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000};
lcam->R = {0.999978, 0.002789, -0.006046, -0.002816, 0.999986, -0.004401, 0.006034, 0.004417, 0.999972};
lcam->P = {393.653800, 0.000000, 322.797939, 0.000000, 0.000000, 393.653800, 241.090902, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000};

Of course, it is better to read a calibration file to fill these information.


When you publish the data, you should synchronize the camera image and camera info (many ROS packages yield that).

Sample code is like below:

lcam->header.stamp = imageLeftMsg->header.stamp;
lcam->header.frame_id = imageLeftMsg->header.frame_id;

imageLeftMsg means image data is for data to be published.

When debugging

Be careful [rostopic echo] will not visualize your CameraInfo until the synchronized image is subscribed by another topic.